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Getting Your Face in the Google Search Results

You may have noticed over the last few months that faces are starting to appear in the Google search results.

For example, if you jump into Google and do a search on search tempo seo training , there is a little picture of me on the left of one of the top listings.

In my opinion this is an SEO game changer and I do not use that term loosely 🙂

People are naturally attracted to pictures and having an image (no matter how ugly you are), will increase click-through rates dramatically. Search results with pictures seem more credible and more interesting don’t you think?

You can imagine how beneficial this would be to businesses who make personal face-to-face contact with their clients like doctors, dentists, lawyers, psychologists, podiatrists, tradespeople and so on.

I suspect this is yet another way of Google taking on Facebook in the social media space. What business person wouldn’t get a free Google plus account and link their plus account to their web site if it meant increasing click-through rates?