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Show them the Money

No surprises here. The most popular pages on most business web sites are, in order:

1. Home Page
2. Prices page
3. FAQ page
4. Testimonials or proof page
5. About us page

It doesn’t matter if they are renting a car, getting their teeth whitened or purchasing a Lear jet, people in a buying mood have four primary questions in mind. These are:

a. Do you have what I want?
b. How much does it cost?
c. Is it worth the cost and can you prove it?

From an SEO point of view it makes good sense to answer these buying questions by having dedicated web pages for each.

There is an increasing trend for people to add words like cost for, prices of, packages or buy to their Google searches if they are serious about making a purchase.

This is a great opportunity to snag some highly motivated traffic that your competitors ignore.

And it doesn’t matter what your product or service is, if you list your prices on a dedicated prices page you will generate more qualified web site traffic and weed out the tyre-kickers, time-wasters and bargain-hunters.

If you can’t give a fixed price because “it depends”, at least give a range of prices or some typical figures.
eg. The cost of our average inground concrete pool 10m x 5 m and up to 2m deep is around $50,000 depending on site access and soil analysis.

Yes, you will expose your prices to your competitors, but so what. The trick with pricing is to make it easy to understand, but difficult to compare.

You can differentiate your products and services and reduce price-shopping by adding layers of value that your competitors do not. And it doesn’t have to be anything fancy either.

Here’s some examples of easy to understand, but difficult to compare:

  • The motel that gives their guests a free bottle of champagne or beer, and a block of chocolate.
  • The corporate catering company that supplies free white linen table clothes, napkins and large esky hire with ice for all functions of 20 people or more.
  • The self-storage business that gives their clients free quality cardboard boxes.
  • The graphic designer that bundles logo design, letterhead design, email signature design and stationery printing into one package.
  • The BMW dealer who includes a free iPad, espresso machine and BMW branded wind jacket with every new car.

Easy to understand, difficult to compare.

In summary, if you don’t currently have a prices page, you may be missing out on business from highly motivated people ready to buy. Give it a trial and see what happens.