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Got a copywriting block? Got $40?

SEO-TIPS-BRISBANEGoogle needs words on web pages to do its job, but many people find it difficult to put their thoughts and ideas into written words.

Its usually a confidence issue as a result of poor teaching methods designed in the 1800s to create barely literate factory fodder workers.

The truth is: if you can talk, you can write. What is important is not the grammar or punctuation of your writing, but the ideas and thoughts behind the words.

Punctuation and grammar can be outsourced.

If you find it difficult to write content for your web site, here is a system that may work for you. I call this system CREATE – CAPTURE – POLISH.
Take a tape recorder or mobile phone with recording application, and answer the following questions aloud.

Don’t worry if you stumble or repeat yourself, or drool, or mumble just keep on talking. Take your time, don’t worry about long pauses. This is not an audition.

What business are you in?
How did you get into this business?
What training did you do to get where you are today?
What experience do you have?
What sort of people or business do you like working with?
How do your price your products or services?
If you have standard products or services, what do they cost and what do the customers get?
What proof can you give that you are worth the money?
How do you deliver your product or service?
Explain the process to me.
What testimonials do you have?
What should I do next to engage your services or to buy stuff from you?
How can I contact you?

and you can add as many other questions as you like to extract the rich contact from your brain.

Go to or or even, and put up a job for audio transcription. A common rate is $10 per audio-hour or $5 for 10 minutes. Once you find someone that looks the business, send them your audio file and get it transcribed and returned as a text file of Word document.

Go back to your favourite outsourcing site and post a job for copy editing. The going rate is around 1 to 2 cents per word. Email your transcribed text file to the copy editor and see what they come back with.

Job done. And usually for less than $40 total.

Now what was excuse again for not creating web page content?

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